This is revisiting the same subject as last post, creating a hierarchy. Barkun gives us a pretty bare bones but essential categorization of CTs. His hierarchy lists three different categories: Event, Systemic, and Super. Each category builds off of the previous one. An event CT revolves around a singular event and is roughly encapsulated within that event. If a person thinks that a shooting was really a false flag and ends it there, it's an event CT. A systemic CT is one that links different events, involves a conspirator(s) with an involved plan, and a goal that necessitates the events in question. To link it with our previous example: if that person then continued on by saying that all mass shootings are false flags in some poorly thought out plan to reduce gun ownership we would have a systemic CT. The super CT is global. It involves a group that controls world events, has a dedicated hierarchy and a some kind of plan that would likely be to strengthen its world domination...