There is definitely a growing radicalization around the world. Mainly the driver of this is social media via the internet. Now, I'm not one to extoll the virtues of the "way it used to be"--in fact I'm largely against that kind of thinking. The internet is just a vehicle and the drivers are the problem...and the passengers for getting in these windowless vans. The growth of conspiracism over the last few decades is both difficult to explain and simple. It's simple because back in the day, in order to be exposed to conspiracy theories you had to seek them out. Perhaps, you could have accidentally checked out the wrong book in the library, but you needed to be active. Today, I can just look at my facebook feed (my twitter feed has been aggressively curated to avoid certain ideas) and see conspiracy theories and false information being posted by my family members. They in turn, probably saw these ideas on their feed, and so the cycle goes until I block/hide/unfrien...