
Showing posts from April, 2019

Flat Earth's Religious Underpinnings

I’ve spoken about this a few times over the last several years, but it bears a rementioning because if we cannot figure out, in 2019, how to convince people that the world is globular then what hope do we have for any kind of progress. Perhaps the future will look back at this period and think, “good thing we got that sorted out;” but as it stands now it’s very hard for me to think that we can move forward. Flat Earth is another one of those cases wherein my conspiracy theory work and my atheism cross paths. It’s more interesting to me than just that, because flat earth has an added feature of disguising itself from it’s religious foundation. Good conspiracy theorists know how to do this, as most of them would probably be good sales people if they had turned their focus somewhere else. Alex Jones was one of the pioneers at selling things on internet broadcasts, for instance. David Icke takes care to never mention the reptoids in his marathon speeches. Why? Because people...