None Dare Call It Conspiracy--the Walkthrough part I
Well, we will have to shorten that title to something because writing those titles is going to get stale. For those of you who have never read one of these, it’s pretty simple. I’ll read a section and then make commentaries. The posts are difficult to predict because I can’t foresee how long each section will last. I’ve done this a few times, and occasionally the section I read will be an entire chapter, but it can also be one paragraph. Whatever fills a thousand words is what I shoot for. You may also notice that I’m starting on page 9 instead of page 1. This is because, unlike most books, the introduction started on page 1, and I’m skipping that. Now, this is already a bad sign. As a person who just finished writing his dissertation, there are rules to this. Page numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.; don’t start until the body of the work begins. Introductions, prefaces, etc., should have lower case Roman numerals; i, ii, iii,…this allows correct citation of the work when the author of the introduc...