Origin Story: Chapter 2 None Dare Call It...21-23
A decade or so ago, I started reading the original books that inspired "firsts." I read Casino Royale (James Bond), Starship Troopers, Nothing Lasts Forever (Die Hard is based on this book), etc. I found it interesting to see what changed and how far things had come since those initial ideas. The most interesting part of this "mission" was finding out the origin of things we take for granted. Starship Troopers, for example, is the origin of the powered robotic solder suit or "mech" in science fiction. There are so many tropes in that book that are just normal now. I read Pride and Prejudice because that's the book that created the trope of the two people that hate each other that eventually get together. Largely I had forgotten that I did this until I read this week's section. Chapter 2 is titled: "Socialism--Royal Road to Power for the Super-Rich" Why am I doing this again? No one is paying me for it...sigh, here we go. Politically, I...