Borrowing: None Dare...pp.45-47
I want to begin this section by summing up my background with regard to knowledge of banking, finance, and economics. I've never taken economics, accounting, or business course. My knowledge of economics comes from reading Adam Smith--cover to cover and some commentary on his writing; most notably from the book "The Worldly Philosophers." I read several books on economics after the 2008 financial collapse, I've seen the Enron documentary "the Smartest Guys in the Room" because that was one of the very few things available on one of the HD channels when those were new. I teach business ethics and have learned a great deal about how business and economies relate from all of the research that I have done to prepare for that course. I also have a considerable understanding of how people like Gary Allen think economics works from all of the conspiracy bullshit I have to read and all of the Ron Paul Libertarians I've dealt with that think "money" is ...