The German Union: Proofs of a Conspiracy...pp. 126-128
I was all prepared to write about some historical context here. To spend an hour or so working on a brief history of the German states until their unification in 1871. I was going to talk about how it may seem weird to the reader that Weishaupt could flee Bavaria for the next town over and be in a completely different legal jurisdiction, but that's only because we view Germany as a single entity now. This week's selection begins with a new chapter titled, "The German Union;" so I assumed that we were going to talk about Germany. Instead, we're still reading about the Illuminati. What I have to discuss, is a meta-problem with conspiracy theories in general. The problem can be indicated by Robison's words, " Weishaupt said, on good grounds, that 'if the Order should be discovered and suppressed, he would restore it with tenfold energy in a twelvemonth.'" I need to dispense with something right away, Robison is claiming that Weishaupt said this...