Self Evident: Behold a Pale Horse pp. 70, 71
" WC/Author's Note: So now you know. This chapter could only come in the beginning. Your preconceived ideas had to be shattered in order for you to understand the rest of this book." Let's recap the situation: the entire previous chapter, Cooper claims, was not written by him. It was a document that Cooper claims was in the possession of Naval Intelligence in 1969 and was found in an IBM copier on 7 July 1986 which was purchased at a surplus sale. The document itself was dated May 1979 and details the plan the Bilderberg Group adopted during their first meeting in 1954. The dates are confusing, but ultimately they do not matter. What matters is that this chapter is presented as a "found document." I'll repeat the analogy that I used in the beginning: Cooper is portraying this chapter in the same way that Tolkien presents The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as not his writing but his interpretation of a found book, "The Red Book of Westmarch."...