Mount Weather: Behold a Pale Horse pp. 119-124
Back in my conspiracy theorist days I knew the FEMA conspiracy theory. This was the theory that FEMA the "Federal Emergency Management Agency" could suspend civil rights at any instant for whatever reason it wanted. The reason, according to the increasingly extremist NRA magazine "American Rifleman" (I was reading in the 1990s before they called all federal law enforcement 'jack-booted thugs' causing President George HW Bush to turn in his membership in protest), would be to seize all the American guns. This was inevitable and it was always just about to happen. I know this theory, what I didn't know (or perhaps I have forgotten) is where the headquarters of FEMA was, luckily Cooper is going to remind us, " Just outside of a sleepy little town called Bluemont, Virginia, about 46 miles west of Washington D.C., in an area of wilderness covering what has been called the toughest granite rock in the eastern United States. The area is surrounded by signs...