The focus of many conspiracy theories, the direct super theories are often held, by believers, to be the responsibility of those that are termed "elites." The "elites" here are usually a group of individuals that have no responsibility to anyone else but themselves, are secret, and exclusive. They go by many names: the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. These are the groups responsible for ushering in a "New World Order" that will have large effects that are typically explained in two camps: the first camp is unspecified cataclysm. The downfall of civilization is always the end result coupled with a fascist/totalitarian government in charge The second camp is ultra specific and is sometimes literally camps. The subversion of the monetary system through the federal reserve, usually explained by people that have little understanding of monetary systems and the federal reserve. The elimination of specific rights (1st and 2nd notably because those propagating these theories usually can't remember any others) and the forced adherence to a specific creed.

It doesn't matter much which of the above mentioned groups are involved because there's very little that can be done about them. There, for instance, is no Illuminati. There was, but it went extinct in the late 18th century with the death of the founder Adam Weishaupt. There are members of the Bilderbergers and those people are in charge of things, but they are government officials and noted academics in relevant fields. The group itself wields no authority. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), as well as the Tri-Lateral commission are think tanks. The members of each group are authorities and the actual meetings they hold would seem very boring to those not versed to the degree necessary to be a member of these groups. The CFR issues a journal, it's hard to read if you aren't interested in the minutiae of intricate foreign politics. Even I have trouble reading their blog.

Dig deep enough into any of these conspiracy theories and you'll find another group that's in charge of it all: the Jews. Jewish conspiracy theories are old, very old. Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire blamed his military and economic failures on the Jewish people living in his lands and aggressively tried to force them to accept the Hellenic culture. This prompted the Maccabean revolt and a restoration of Jewish Orthodoxy as well as control over Judea. Whether the final result of the revolt was good or bad it a matter of opinion, however the same pattern existed then as it has throughout history.

The state has serious problems so instead of addressing the direct cause the state just blames some group of immigrants. They weren't real Seleucids they were foreigners with their own religion, language, customs, and traditions; so clearly they must be up to something. They can either assimilate or they can leave/die.

The problem here, and I want to be super clear that I'm not victim blaming, is that any insular community is going to suffer this. They are viewed as outsiders within a larger group and if their community seems both strange and not readily understandable they are going to be blamed. The Jewish conspiracy is merely a very extended form of xenophobia that can be fostered by the right people in charge. Especially if the group in charge is one whose religion is in seeming opposition to the Jewish religion as the Quran states (Surahs 2:61-66,  4:160-161, 5:59, among others) and various sects of Christianity make obvious (the Vatican and Anglican churches have largely discarded this, but various Evangelical churches of the US still adhere to the 'Jews and Christ Killers').

Various anti-Semitic programs have sprung up throughout history. The Inquisition was largely concerned with heresy but it had the Jewish and Muslim populations in its target as well. Though horrible, they weren't fostering a conspiracy so much as a belief that they needed to rid the world of those that didn't share in Christ's love. Interestingly, the Jewish citizens of places like Spain or Northern Europe were told to leave as, technically the Inquisition had no authority over them. However if they stayed they could convert (called "Crypto-Jews") but then were subject to the Inquisition.

What gets the ball rolling on a true anti-Semitic conspiracy theory is the publication, in Russia, of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This book, allegedly the transcription of a meeting of Jewish elders, was the blue print for how they would take over the kingdoms of Europe and especially Russia. The Tsar could not think that his inability to maintain food production or transportation was responsible for the discontent of the Russians so he had to seek a group to blame. Just as the Jesuits tried to lay the French revolution at the hands of Jacobin Illuminati agents.

The story surrounding the book is implausible to the point of impossibility. A Russian police agent operating in Switzerland arrests the book's messenger. The messenger gives the agent one night to copy it, which he does in a language he's sure to not understand, while this all powerful organization fails to notice or stop its publication. That's an unreasonable claim to be making. The book itself is a plagiarism of an early work criticizing the reign of Napoleon III titled "A Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" and passages are lifted from it word for word.

Even with that information the book still has traction. It's taught as fact in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, within the charter of Hamas, and in various right wing hate groups in Europe and the United States. Becaus this conspiracy is utter fiction it's easily adaptable to the other groups listed above. Claims are made that the Illuminati is just the "front group" for the Jewish elders in charge of everything but because anti-Semitism is largely seen as being wrong, the term "globalist" is usually used in place of it. According to these conspiracy theories the right wing Christian/Muslim world is under attack by "Zionists" who control the UN, the US, and Europe. The accusation is that the governments of the world are really Zionist Occupied Governments that are seeking to dilute the power of the population (usually white nationalists and usually Christian in the West, while Muslim in the Middle East).

In the case of all of these secret society conspiracy theories the issue is that the individual is powerless to make a change because the powers that be are too great. Instead of introspection, people like Antiochus IV decide to blame someone else for their losses (the Seleucid Empire had lots of issues, fighting the Roman Republic was certainly one of them). The issue with the Jewish Conspiracy is that unlike the others believers can find them.

Recent events have forced this topic as a post, but I felt it necessary to elucidate the motive of the individual who shot up a synagogue in Pittsburgh.


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