Conspiracy Theories


Problems with existing Definitions:

            Too broad in which they let supported explanations in with unsupported information

            Contain truth value as part of the definition (e.g. False)

            Ignore the central theme of any “conspiracy theory”—which is the coverup of the truth.


My Proposed Definition:

            An alternative explanation for an event/phenomenon, for which the central claim is a purposeful direct concealment of the truth by a group of actors; for which the evidence is inadequate to support the claim.


Kinds: Not all conspiracy theories are equal and it is a mistake to treat them as such.

            Scope: size of the conspiracy theory. Event, Systemic, Super, or Omni

          Focus: based on the target. Academic or Ideological conspiracy theories.

            Presentation: is it offered as a conspiracy theory. Implied or Direct theories


Kennedy assassination theories: Direct, ideological, event theories

Anti-vaccination theories: implied, academic, systemic conspiracy theory

Illuminati global control: Super-conspiracy

Flat Earth: Omni-conspiracy


The need for engagement: Conspiracy theories cause harm. Anti-vaccination, antisemitic, or just creating division amongst populations


Soft-Particularism: An approach that allows the rejection of conspiracy theories which break natural laws, and reserves skepticism for those that are presenting novel explanations. Engagement with facts does not work. Engagement must be directed at the motive for belief. These reasoning for why a person believes in a theory will allow engagement that does not cause the “double down effect.”


Conspiracy theory argumentation is weak and based on four methods:

            Unaccounted for Data: anything left out of the official story

            Contradictory data: information in direct opposition to the official story

            Proof of ignorance: arguments which are pulled out of thin air because no counter facts exist to dispute them

Argument based on false complexity: rhetoric relying on overly-complicated terminology in order to bewilder and trick the audience into thinking there is something to say.


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