Tightrope: None Dare...pp. 45-47

A lifetime ago, I had a student confront me about 9/11. This happened while Bush was at the end of his second term, and we still didn’t know all of the details about the event and the conspiracy theories were just loving the redactions from the 9/11 commission. This student began asking me about the towers falling faster than gravity–which I still don’t know they think even with an inside job that happened. She then asked about Mossad and then how there were no Jews that died…and I cut her off. For the former part, I said that yes, Mossad has done some dirt. That however isn’t relevant unless you can connect Mossad to literally any part of the 9/11 attacks. As for the latter part I said that you really never want to finish that sentence because it makes you anti-Semitic.

“How, I’m just asking how no Jews died in the 9/11 attacks? “Because the implication, the direct implication is that they were warned, and who else but ‘their own people’ would warn them? It’s not a question, it’s a chicken shit way of making a statement and it’s also demonstrably false.” 

I’ve added in italics to the conversation (which I recorded when it happened in a little memo book) because just claiming that no Jewish people died in 9/11 is anti-Semitic enough. However, there is a stronger racism here that most people don’t catch, and that is the monolithic portrayal of Jewish people as one body. Israeli Jews, Ashkanazi Jews, your average Jewish neighbor, any Rabbi, etc.; all seemingly are of one mind when it comes to global events. This obviously plays into the globalist Jewish cabal pushed by the Nazis, Henry Ford, and modern countries like Saudi Arabia. It also is a further evolution of the blood libel pushed by European Christians for about a thousand years.
There’s many books written about the problematic notion of anti-Semitism harkening back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that I won’t go over here. However, there is one thing that those books don’t point out: how damn lazy it is. The Protocols is a book over a century old, but the time of Allen’s book it’s still at seventy plus years. Just alluding to it, is so lazy. Obviously that’s the most minor of problems with it, but as someone that researches this kind of thing professionally, I just breeze over these sections…except when we get to the tight rope walking explanation of “well I don’t mean all Jews, just the bad ones.” 

Allen has gone through a completely misinformed and anti-educational section on how debt works. Allen recognizes that he’s about to walk into a minefield, and the best way to clear a minefield (or at least the easiest) is to carpet bomb the entire thing. The first name on our BINGO card is the Rothschilds. This family is at the center of so many conspiracy theories that I wouldn’t be surprised if part of their fortune was derived from royalties (kidding). They are one of the oldest banking families in world history, one of the richest, and at several times in history had the largest fortune in the world. Now, the reason for their banking empire is complex but in short, there was a time when Christians and Muslims were forbidden by their religions from banking because charging interest was a sin. The Jewish religion had no such proscription so they were encouraged to do the financial work no one else could…until they got too good at it and then they were accused of using banks to control nations, people, etc. 

Allen writes that just because the Rothschilds are Jewish that doesn’t mean the entire financial control of the world is also Jewish, after all “J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller international banking institutions have placed a key role in the conspiracy.” Which is true, for this conspiracy theory, but why mention then that the Rothschild family is Jewish? That seems odd for someone who is going to burn all of page 47 on claiming that he isn’t anti-Semitic.

Then our author does something that I rarely see, he blames the ADL as being part of the conspiracy theory. The ADL is the Anti-Defamation League, the foundation that works against anti-Semitism. This would be like blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center as being the real racists.

How does the ADL help the conspiracy? By silencing anyone that criticizes the Rothschild family as anti-Semitic. Ok, I’ve seen this claim before, so let’s tackle this one out. If you ask the average person who the Rothschilds are, you’ll probably be met with a “uh, that sounds familiar…”, some people might know them as a banking family and those people are probably in finance. The majority of people that are most familiar with them, are most familiar with them through books like this, David Icke, and other conspiracy mongers. If, the ADL is attacking their books, it’s very likely because the book are making anti-Semitic claims linking the Rothschilds to some kind of global tragedy. Like blaming the Rothschilds for the Holocaust, “Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild family, helped finance Adolph Hitler.”

The claim about the Warburg family here is true in the sense that we would claim that Goldman-Sachs funded the Iraq War. Max Warburg sat on the German government’s version of the Federal Reserve until 1935 when the Nazi government began outlawing Jews from holding official positions under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935. The claim is only very technically true but false in the way that Allen means it.

The proof of this is that there were very few “Rothschilds or Warburgs in the Nazi prison camps!” This claim is true, but it says more than Allen means. The fact that there were any, means that these are not the people in charge. How does this work in Allen’s world? The head of clan Warburg decides that little Jimmy needs to go in the camp to throw people off the scent? Yes, few of these people were in the camps but that is true for two reasons: A) they were very wealthy with properties all over the world, and when they saw the writing on the wall that this Nazi problem wasn’t going away, they bolted. B) there are not that many of them in the general population.

They sat out the war in luxurious hotels in Paris or emigrated to the United States or England. As a group, Jews have suffered most at the hands of the power seekers. A Rothschild has much more in common with a Rockefeller than he does with a tailor from Budapest or the Bronx.”

The last sentence, is just true. The rich, no matter the race/ethnicity/religion have more in common with each other than anyone else. It’s just, again, not true in the way that Allen means.

The former was my point above. Yes, they were able to sit out the war renting the top floor of the Waldorff-Astoria in Chicago/NYC/London and that is directly related to their money. So what? If they sat out the war in some Edinburgh hovel or a row house in one of the immigrant neighborhoods in Buffalo, NY; he would accuse them of pretending. If this was just merely classicism I would let it go, but he spends so much time trying to claim that he’s not the anti-semite you are for not seeing it; that it can’t be ignored.

I’ll close this week by saying that I have no idea if Gary Allen is anti-Semitic. However, he repeats anti-Semitic conspiracy theories going so far as to name a specific family of Jews, then claims they’re responsible for Hitler and the Holocaust, then attacks the ADL as being part of this conspiracy; that he either believes the stuff but knows it is socially unacceptable or he knows that his readership believes all of this. Either way, there’s no difference between an actual anti-Semite and Gary Allen in consequence.


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