Action: None Dare...pp. 83-84

I find it interesting when reading/listening/watching anything that portrays the Soviet/Nazi front of WWII; that it's not clear who the real villain is. Of course, Hitler and the Nazis, but that also means that we are rooting for Stalin; and it's easy in the beginning because the Soviets were attacked first. But, again, we are rooting for Stalin to be the hero that the world needed. In Allen's world, there is a stark villain but in reality there isn't a hero either. Allen has the world set up in a false dichotomy but he wants everyone reading to take "not one step back" but there is no enemy advancing on us. There isn't a step back to refrain from but there also isn't a step forward. 

As I ended with last week, Allen thinks this is an information war but he hasn't provided us with anything more than "rich guy A knew rich guy B." He claims that these connections are enough to justify action, but I ask "what kind of action would be effective if they already control everything?" 

Last week I mentioned that one of his problems with Nixon is that Nixon was too soft on Communism--a laughable assertion based solely on the fact that Nixon was willing to open discussions with China. I pointed out that talking to China actually works against the USSR, because China was an ally with the USSR only for expedience. The two countries were not solid allies like the US and Australia (whenever the US has gone to war Australia has sent troops with it) or Portugal and Great Britain (Portugal joined the UK in WWI to honor a treaty signed in the 14th century). Nixon is our villain but not really, he's just the puppet of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) insiders who control both parties and also the Communist world, the European continent, all of the banks, and the media. What this means to me is that the fight is over, by what possible measure could a freedom-loving patriot strike back? 

Allen's solution is to make the CFR-Insiders a campaign issue in the next elections. You could try that, or you could ask Barry Goldwater how that worked out for him. You could also ask Lyndon LaRouche too. Goldwater at least had the sense to abandon this position openly. It became too much of a burden. Now, we might be tempted to laugh at this idea currently...but we should absolutely not laugh at this. 

I picked this book because this book is one of the most influential works in Conservative political thinking for American politics. Contemporary America is bearing the fruit of the seed this book planted almost sixty years ago and laughing at this is ignoring the peril that we are in today. For example, you could make the case that Nixon was to the left of Obama on a lot of issues--it would take a lot of analysis but it's not as abjectly crazy a position as saying that Eisenhower was a secret Communist. Yet, Obama's presidency was marred by accusations of him being a Socialist when there is very little evidence to point to it. Obama never put forth positions of guaranteed universal income or price-fixing in the same manner that Nixon did. Yet, the opposition marred the idea that passing bills to fix infrastructure would lead to some kind of communist state because Obama had the gall to explain to rich people that they didn't build the roads. 

Forward to the Trump years and the idea of a sinister elite cabal that secretly stymied everything that he wanted to do was not only his complaints but talking points from officials in the White House and the mainstream Republican party. What Allen wants us to do is expose this elite, whether it is the CFR, the Tri-Laterals, the Illuminati, or the Deep State; and force them into one party. He writes, "It is up to you to put the politicians on the spot and make the C.F.K (sic-I'm sure he meant CFR) Insiders a campaign issue. This can be accomplished easily by creating a base of thinking that will oppose their positions.

Now, you and I are probably waiting with bated breath for how we do this. We will be waiting for fo the sun to burn out because Allen does not give us how to do it. At least, not here. At the bottom of page 82, he told us to buy his book and then distribute it. So, is that how we build this base? With his random connections and shocking claims that people rich people that own businesses sometimes know each other? Or that someone like Rockefeller might have a government contract? Without any further recommendation, it seems that Allen's only advice is to read his book and then pass it out so that we can ask George H.W. Bush in the 1980 GOP presidential primary if he knows that David Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, and some nameless other people secretly sold rubber to the Soviet Union despite their "opposition" to Communism. 

How would we even do that? The media is controlled by these people and if Allen is right, they care very little for the law or morality. They care not for the rules so even if we pushed socialism into one party...other than the socialist party, what would that accomplish given that they have the elections already fixed. 

I know I'm repeating the same complaints as last week, but A) it needs to be repeated because this kind of thinking still exists and b) Allen repeats himself so I get to as well. I'll close this week with a the biggest mistake that Allen makes. He's going to list definitive predictions about what we should expect from the conspiracy. This isn't a smart move, only the Millerites were able to get away with this bullshit and it was only because it was connected strongly to the bible--a book that no one actually has read (I have, but I skipped the genealogical parts because who cares really). Allen's thoughts are inextricably linked to white Christian nationalism today, but back then this connection wasn't as wide as it is today. Next week we will begin his list because it's a great exercise on why someone like him should keep predictions vague. 


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