Environmentalism: Behold a Pale Horse pp. 215-216

A common trait amongst conspiracy theorists is that they like to brag that they know everything. They've seen the "TRUTH" and this sight has given them perfect knowledge. It does not matter that the knowledge they have will also run counter to other conspiracy theorists, requires a whole new reality, or is just plain bonkers. Conspiracy theorists have this trait of speaking with authority on every subject that comes across their mind. 

Cooper, we may remember, was in the Navy and possibly the Air Force. He took some classes in radio but in every other respect, he's just a regular guy. Cooper gets a lot of credit from the UFOlogy circuit and the conspiracy crowd because he worked in Naval Intelligence, but to us--that means nothing. He claims an expertise in everything--but as we're about to see: he has very little understanding of the natural world especially. 

In a symposium held in 1957...possibly the Bilderberg meeting that he alluded to last time, the JASON society confirmed that the world was going to end by the year 2000. This is unrelated to their other project of shooting a nuclear satellite into Jupiter to turn it into another star, this is a different thing. The JASON members explained that because of dwindling resources and increasing population, we are all doomed unless we take one of three paths to safety. 

This portion of the conspiracy theory is very reminiscent of the "Covid was engineered" conspiracy theories of the last several years. Those theories all pointed to a think tank project funded, in part, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. This took place at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and was an exercise in anticipating the results of a global pandemic from which no vaccine would be available within the first year--it was called "Event 201." It took place in the fall of 2019; coincidentally when the Covid-19 virus was beginning to infect humans in China. Conspiracy theorists do not understand the purpose of these exercises. The purpose of the exercises is to play out what could happen. In this case of 201, it had the unfortunate timing to be immediately prior to the real thing, while at the same time funded by conspiracy theorist boogeymen in Bill Gates and Claus Schwab--even though neither man directly funded it. 

Cooper and all conspiracy theorists take these exercises as predictions for what the people running them want to happen rather than what they fear will happen. 201 was about responding to a SARS-like pandemic. Jade Helm was not a practice run for the UN takeover (or whatever Ted Cruz and Alex Jones thought was going to happen), but it was treated like one by the extremist right. Cooper thinks that a conference in 1957 discussing what could be done to prevent the catastrophic result of too many people and too few resources is a conference that is going to result in making it happen so they can offer a few new "solutions" that will result in the takeover by...well, whoever Cooper is on about right now. 

We are going to solve this problem "WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM GOD OR THE ALIENS."

That's a relief because we've been relying on those two groups to solve the population crisis for too long. Luckily JASON steps in and offers three solutions to the problem. I'm going to take them in reverse order. The third solution is to use alien and conventional technology to leave Earth and set up colonies in outer space. This is dumb. Only because Cooper just told us that we can't use Alien help. Otherwise, this is a good solution because it not only lets people live full lives in outer space, but also it removes portions of the population alleviating the resource and overcrowding issue. There might be a drawback but, "I am not able to either confirm or deny the existence of 'batch consignments' of human slaves, which would be used for manual labor as a part of the plan.

Cooper seems to be answering a question that no one asked. If we have the technology, why do we need the slaves? Is he talking about personal servants? The above quote is the only context for the claim. So far, minus "the batch consignments" seems like a good solution. So pin in that. 

Solution 2 is to delve underground. This would leave a portion of the people on the planet to fend for themselves, but like the ending of Dr. Strangelove, the elite would live in the tunnels and cities underground. Cooper says, "We know that these facilities have been built and are ready and waiting for the chosen few to be notified."

With this the case, why are we bothering with discussing the other options? The planners, JASON (The CFR, Illuminati, etc) have already decided, they built the cities. Cooper could provide us with evidence of this; a photo, locations of the entrance, receipts from contractors, etc. Yet, instead he's moves to the other solutions that have been rejected by the JASON society. Unless one of the other solutions was to use magic to make the problem go away and provide everyone with a puppy so that he can show how evil they are; there's no reason to explain the other options. 

The remaining solution is, to "use nuclear weapons to blast holes in the stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space." Cooper claims that this was rejected because of the "inherent nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear explosions would themselves create."

This is where we return to my observation at the beginning. Cooper has either made up this entire section or he's read it from somewhere else (he claims he's seen these documents while in the Navy); but solution 1 is impossible. It's not something an advanced race of aliens or the super-intelligent people of the JASON group would suggest because that's not how nature works. The stratosphere isn't holding anything in. It's not like a balloon where if we poke a hole in the stratosphere the pollution and heat blow out. 

Cooper either doesn't know how this planet works or he does and doesn't care because this story fits his narrative better. I'm assuming that the answer is the former rather than the latter because there is nothing in Cooper's biography that would indicate he should have this information. He has a narrative. He imagines that every decision involves a series of options and each option has to have elements of his own worldview in it. Overpopulation and resource allocation was an issue, it still is, but the solution that presented itself was to come up with better methods of getting those resources. We found, as a civilization, more efficient ways to generate food. Overpopulation is now leading to more dire climate crises, but that wasn't the problem in 1957. Cooper can't look past it, because any technology that isn't personally useful to him is evil. So solving the 1957 problem meant that AIDs was released to cull the population, but that's a different conspiracy and he moved right past it to JFK.


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