Let's Go Luna: Behold a Pale Horse...pp. 222-239
When we last left off, a proper post that is, we discussed the weird aside that Cooper takes on the JFK assassination. It appears, almost out of nowhere, in a chapter about aliens. The very gossamer connective tissue is that Cooper claims Kennedy took the presidency, found out about the aliens, then threatened to reveal everything in a year. This was not acceptable to the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) nor the JASON Project, so they had the president assassinated. Cooper is going to jump around time more than he usually does. The first thing he brings up is Moonbase Luna. This is a stupid name for it. "Moonbase Moon" is how that translates. Cooper claims he has pictures, but he never shows them to us (I'm willing to leave room for the possibility that they do appear in the print version of the book). Luna is run by the world conspirators, who meet "on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar icecap ." Ok, I'll give him a point for this one. If you want...