That Time of Year: Behold a Pale Horse...Interlude

It's the time of year when the snow is falling, or it should be; and the days are going to be getting a little longer as the solstice approaches. This also means that my semester has ended and there is plenty of clean up to do. 

For new people: I am a lecturer in the Philosophy department at SUNY Geneseo. My semester just ended, I have three classes, two of which need to be taken care of by the end of the week. All in all, this is a very short post to say, there is no content this week because of it. I was hoping to get through this chapter of Cooper, but that will have to wait until next week. 

For those of you who celebrate: Happy Honda Days. For those of you who don't: had a Merry Toyota-thon. And for you orthodox weirdoes: Happy Lexus December to Remember Sales Event. 


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