War and Education; The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion presented within Behold a Pale Horse: pp. 274-275

Just to recap for new readers, this is the infamous anti-Semitic plagiarism and forgery being published in Cooper's book. His only caveat is that we should read "Zion" as "Sion" and "Goyim" as "Cattle." It doesn't make the work less anti-Semitic. See the last post for what I think is happening.

"It is indispensable for our purpose that wars, so far as possible, should not result in territorial gains: war will thus be brought on to economic ground, where the nations will not fail to perceive in the assistance we give the strength of our predominance, and this state of things will put both sides at the mercy of our international agentur;"

There's a story that Nathan Rothschild was present at the final defeat of Napolean. Upon learning of the defeat, he took the fastest horse (or hired the fastest messenger) to the coast of France, hopped on a ship, took it to England then ended up at the London Exchange where his downtrodden and tired appearance was mistaken for news that Napolean had won. Other bankers seeing him, began buying up stock (or selling) based on this news, whereupon Rothschild began selling (or buying) everything. This event laid the foundation for the Rothschild empire. This event also never happened. It's important to note that the anti-Semitic Protocols laid the foundation for a specific anti-Semitic accusation against a specific family of Jewish bankers. 

Protocol 2, lays out the idea that all major wars benefit a secret group in charge of the world. In this case, it's the Jewish cabal, and it does not matter what other word you substitute here. The problem with these types of theories is something I alluded to last week: they let the racist theories mingle with the non-racist theories. Cooper can claim he's not anti-Semitic, but he believes every single thing they do, with the exception that he's not blaming "the Jews." In a pragmatic sense, it does not matter. Cooper could easily give a talk to a Christian Identity militia group in 1998 without changing a single word and it would fit right in. 

The original document is concerned with Napoleon III and his wars. The wars were unsuccessful. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo because of one of his losses. The Russian version of this was to claim that the Jews were responsible for WWI, and why the Tsar's efforts failed resulting in the Bolshevik revolution. No territory changed hands for Russia, they were not winning, even against the dying Ottoman empire. Wars as finance is interesting. We've seen this accusation play out in 2003 as the US was ramping up to wage war in Iraq. There, were no "both sides."

In WWI and WWII; the accusation was that the Jews made money by funding both sides of the war. They did this by financing weapons manufacturers, shipping, and basically all the wartime activity that is not the actual fighting. This accusation does not work on any level. You really have to be a Holocaust denier to agree with "the Jews" generally or the Rothschilds specifically funded both sides of WWII. Even with WWI, it's hard to make this claim because the heads of state were all related. The English monarchs, the Tsars, and the Kaiser were cousins. 

The elders then make some claims about how education will serve as a distraction to the population. This is a more interesting claim to me because it's a conspiracy theory I hear quite frequently from people unaware of the sentiment they are parroting: 

"The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results. We need not, therefore, take any account of them--let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory)." 

Remember the narrator is the evil puppet master. Here, the recommendation is that they'll distract the populace with theory so that they become preoccupied and weak failing to see the value of practical education. To understand this we have to get into the head of the audience this work is intended for. The elder claims that theories such as, and these are his examples: "Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism;" are "successes" in disintegrating the unity of the goyim. These theories have caused schisms in society against the way things ought to be. The elder claims these theories as his invention. The audience is then supposed to reject these ideas. The point of the second half of Protocol 2 (which should be its own Protocol) is to get the regular folk to reject education that does not bear a direct consequence. 

Historical context has its place here. The Tsars spread this work to counter the revolutionary sentiment spurned on by people like Vladimir Lenin who took Marx to heart. Darwinism was seen, in the early 20th century, as a threat to established Christianity--again, an important factor given that the Tsar's crown was divinely bequeathed to him. Nietzsche? I'm not entirely sure. Most people that demonize Nietzsche have not read it and do not understand it...although to be fair, the people that lionize him don't understand it either. If he was popular in Russia at the time, I'd be amazed, he is certainly an addition to the original Joly text considering the timeline. 

The goal of the author is to demonize where these thoughts come from. Education, liberal ideas such as democracy, deism, and non-conformity are plots to undermine the state by the evil cabal. The remedy is to cease this kind of education and get people back to useful knowledge.

I hear this today, frequently, every time someone says that higher education is useless and that kids should only go to trade school to learn a skill. What they are afraid of, is the rejection of the old ways in favor of something new and thus frightening. Learn to insert tab A into slot B, make some money then die. Never question the way things are, never learn uncomfortable facts, and above all maintain the status quo. This is how we fight the evil cabal. 


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