Duma(ss): The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as presented in Behold a Pale Horse pp. 295-297

Protocol 10: I want to take one step back before we get into Protocol 11 to quote the end of 10. The Elder is pointing out the various methods by which you can divide the people against their government through the use of "torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, to the Goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

The all caps section is out of place here because at no point in the ten protocols so far have we seen this. The method is, as we know, something the Cooper has used throughout the work. I had been working under the assumption that Cooper never read the Protocols, that he was just using to pad out his work, but now, we know two things: that he has read this book and that he's anti-vaccination. He thinks vaccination was a tool to divide the government against the people. This, however doesn't make sense within his conspiracy--if "they" truly want us to be slaves then they should not wish to sow this discord. It's the first time we've seen an open hostility to vaccination and it's added by him to this work. The phrase does not appear in the Joly book that this is plagiarized from, nor would it have been an issue in Pre-Revolution Russia for the Protocols to have adopted it. I think Cooper added this. 

Protocol 11:

The Elder has determined that a president that can be controlled is needed for the people to follow in the previous protocol, now we turn to the legislature in order to secure a revolution in the state. This section leaves the French under Napolean III and brings us to Russia under Tsar Nicholas II. 

Again, remember how to read this, what the Elder recommends is what we are supposed to hate. Here, the Elder is saying that there shall be a state legislature through which the people's rights will be vacated. The recommendation, which is very confusingly worded, will take the rights and offer them as proposals to the legislature which will them become decrees of the President in words only--as per the last protocol--not in effect, thus guaranteeing the revolution.

Following? Good, because I'm pretty sure I understand. What I'm more confident about, is the attempt here to undermine the power and concept of the legislature. By framing the need for such a body as necessary to the Elder the effect is to make the reader dislike the concept. The Tsars did this toward the end of the Russian Empire. Both Alexander III and Nicholas II; established a body in the imperial court called the "Duma." They did this in response to the clamoring of revolutionaries who demanded European style reforms, e.g. Democratic representation. Alexander establishes a Duma, then dissolves it, he does so again, Nicholas does it as well. Everytime the Tsar gives the people this inch, they take it back within a year or so. 

From a practical point of view, this is foolish. You could give the people their legislative body and then just neuter its authority--which was the case anyway. The Duma was the lower house in the Russian court, the upper house were all appointed ministers and thus beholden to the Tsar's will. The Duma had no authority as anything other than advisory. They could claim that the people of Kamchatka desire something, but there was no compulsion for the Tsar to obey.

The Elder is claiming that the presence of the legislature allows the subversion of the people's will because its recommendation to the president will be the thing that allows the ratification of the dreaded "constitution" which will then suck away everyone's rights. The legislature must, according to the reader, be abolished. 

"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?..."

I did not add the ellipses. That's from the document, and it's lazy. 

I point out that Cooper's original disclaimer: that we should read the word "Goyim" as "Cattle" as a way to pretend that the work isn't anti-Semitic makes no sense here. We're supposed to read this as "The cattle are a flock of sheep..."? I guess that's better from a racial sense but now we're mixing metaphors and confusing two animals; wolves can attack a herd of cattle. My point is that the covering for anti-Semitism only works in a pretend manner. 

The Elder than promises us that the plan can move forward now that the foundation is set. We shall see, because so far--there is very little foundation at all. Just the insinuation of control. 


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